Reception need to be confident in handling patient requests through askmyGP. Your administrator will send a login to your email, and you set your own password.

  1. You will normally be in Requests view. You would mostly work from “Mine” – requests assigned to your group.
  2. Open a request and check the ID Status, right hand panel.
  3. If the patient is a first time user, the status is Claimed.  Check on your clinical system that this is your patient, from name and DoB.
  4. If yes, change the ID status to Identified.
  5. Before sending messages to the patient, they should be verified according to your own practice procedures.  Usually this would be when a member of staff speaks to the patient, and can ask security questions.  The ID status should then be marked as Verified.
  6. Complete the request as appropriate, and Copy into your clinical system.  If you are unable to resolve, you may assign to someone else.


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